

Baby food in Chile

Feeding a 13month old child isn't that difficult in Chile. Big towns have supermarkets that sell porridge, cereals, dried fruit and normal baby food (we carry one bottle for emergencies) but the best thing is the street food - humitas, a moist mix of corn and polenta wrapped in a corn husk are almost ideal and Leo eats lots of them. There are also  bags of cooked beans which he likes and pasty-like snacks called empañadas. 

By the side of roads we have found lots of blackberries, and blueberries are often sold on highways in big bags for about £1. The end result of this is that he looks like a feral child covered in blue/black stains but at least he is happy. After a sleep in the trailer he is often thirsty and hungry so we use two special cups to solve this, a drinking cup with a built in straw, and a cup for bits of food like blueberries or cereals or broken biscuits with a flexible lid that he can get his hand inside but can't tip the contents out easily.

We have also been able to give him crab which he was fascinated by, and most days Leo will eat an avocado although he must have full control over the process!

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